Reading: Exodus 3:1-6, Psalm 118 Hebrews 13:8, (all quotations taken from the ESV)
When we look at what is happening to our world, it is hard to imagine what God is planning. But we have no need to live in constant fear of what tomorrow could or will hold, for we know that our God has never changed and will never change. When the Lord first met with Moses at the Burning Bush, Moses must have been terrified. Moses, just like other great men in our Bible such as Samuel, did not know who was calling out to him, but just read how the Lord introduces himself to Moses:
“I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob”

Even though we do not find ourselves enslaved in a foreign country, we as Christians can get caught up in the world of news and politics and the fear of this pandemic. In the midst of all that is going on around us we need to look to our God who has supreme control over everything, and knows what will happen. He is the same God who took the Israelites out of Egypt and the same God we will someday see in heaven. The same God who sent His only beloved Son to die on Calvary so that you and I will be brought back to Him. Let us not forget who our God is, a living powerful God with supreme control in every circumstance.
Having been rescued by the Egyptian Princess but them cared for by his own mother, he would have heard the stories about his ancestor Abraham leaving all he knew behind him and setting off into the promised land and the stories of how the Israelites came to be in Egypt. Moses would have also heard the complaints of the Israelites and their cries out to God as they worked from sunrise to sunset or even longer. Moses knew that when God told him He was the God of his ancestors that this was indeed the God that the Israelites had been crying out to. He knew that this was his God, alive and powerful – so different from the idols that Moses would have seen in Pharaoh’s household. It was this God who rescued the Israelites, took them across the Red Sea and carried them into the promised Land. Moses, and eventually all of Israel, witnessed God’s supreme power and control over their circumstances.
If you have not put your trust in the Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ, look to the cross and only there will you find the One who took the punishment for your sins so that you, a lost sinner, will not have to endure the eternal punishment but instead have everlasting life with the Savior by your side.
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. Hebrews 13:8