Same Spot, Same Weekend, Same Time…Different Year, Different Speakers, Different Messages. Same Bible, Same God!

Expected speakers are: John Dennison, Dan Shutt, Caleb Simonyi-Gindele and David Vallance.
Friday night prayer meeting in the hall @ 7:00pm (910 Bennett St. Jackson, MI)
Friday after prayer meeting head to the ORS Fieldhouse (3055 Shirley Dr. Jackson, MI 49201) for a time of sporting fellowship from 8:00-11pm
Saturday and Sunday meetings at the East Jackson High School (1566 N Sutton Rd Jackson, MI) beginning @ 10am.
Safe travels to all, and looking forward to sharing in the blessings of the weekend.
“that which we have seen and heard we proclaim also to you, so that you too may have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ. “